Ugly Potato Day History

Two year ago Heppell’s Potato Corp decided to put out our #2 Potatoes for free to our community. We had 12 people show up that day. Since then we have hosted 14 other events, and receive 4,000+ people an event, giving  out 406,000 meals. As farmers we recognize that 20% of our community faces food insecurity. We hold the belief that it is our duty to help feed these people with our ‘misfit’ produce.

Our events have since expanded to include a variety of misfit produce, and through partnerships with over 12 other farms, we’ve been able to donate carrots, beets, parsnips, cabbage, squash, radishes, apples, bread, and chocolate to those in need.

Upcoming Event: Ugly Produce Day

On October 19th, we’re hosting Ugly Produce Day—a global event where farmers come together to feed their communities. We invite you and your farm to participate in this initiative, helping to provide nourishment to your local community for the day and, in many cases, for a week.

Join the movement! Over two dozen farms across North America are already signed up to make a difference.

Sign Up
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Together we can feed our communities and teach the public that just because a vegetable or fruit is ugly, doesn’t mean its not delicious or nutritious.